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I AM (more than) ENOUGH & other truths you deserve to tell yourself...


Hello my love, this little zine is for anyone who may need to hear it's message.


It’s called affirming, & you deserve to affirm greatness darling, because you are great... even if you can’t see it right now, or the world has made you feel otherwise. okay, so it might feel a little bit gross at first, but, I promise it gets easier...


I'm not really into the whole not seeing what's inside the zine before I buy it vibe... so I've showed you as much as possible, so you're sure it's what you want.


bonus print inside: yes, fold open your little zine, and find a full A4 print of my favourite illustration. (Don't worry I've already appologised for cutting her in half, she understands that it's for your greatest good, and she agrees it's worth the sacrifice). 

Outside the UK, or can't wait for delivery?? no worries, I've got a digital download version available for you... if it's meant to be, it'll be.


Designed on photoshop

Printed and hand cut/folded in the studio

Printed on thinner paper so it folds nicer

Folded size A7, unfolds to A4 (poster/print will have a lil slice down the middle)

I AM (more than) ENOUGH - An affirmation zine

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